Home page of 

Bílina association of nature sciences

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               The main idea of Bilina association of natural sciences is to create a network of specialists and enthuziasts and to unit their  trying to build  better environment in the Bílina vicinity,  to rise general education level of citizens and to make city well-known abroad.    The association see its roots in the tradition of well-known historical personalities of the city - father and son Reuss - important scientists of their age. From the point of view of future and present days association use an unusual potential of unique creations of nature and both of people activity. 

Where can you find us :


Břežánská  9

 418 01 Bílina Czech Republic

 mapka centra Bíliny

IČO : 26620430

DIČ : 211 - 2662030

Our bank contact  : 

ČS a.s, pob. Bílina

  000000 1064699329/0800


contacts : 

Ing. Karel Mach Ph.D.

telephone : 417805028 

mobil :   602150477

e-mail : mach@sdas.cz


Ing. Jaroslava Mrázová 

e-mail : mrazova.j@volny.cz


Webmaster : K. Mach


our residencemore about usnature of Bílina districtmuseum arboretumfather and son Reussour partnersJunior klubgeology of the districtkatalog of minerals and its localitiespaleontologypaleontologyzoology of district"Bílina healing balls"klimatic conditions

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the last actualization 14.10.2014